Interesting Infographics: Influencer Marketing Drives 11x more ROI

Louis Foong 0

Influencer marketing is a lot more sophisticated than just buying banner ad space. It means getting your message out to your influencers, who will in turn create genuine, quality content that other consumers can relate to. This spreads your message even further, and ultimately translates to more sales. But how many more? This infographic created by TapInfluence in collaboration with White Wave and Nielsen Catalina Solutions is based on results from their ground-breaking study, which connects influencer marketing to its impact on sales. Let’s see what they found out.

Influencer marketing really does pack a big punch when compared to traditional marketing. The study found that influencer marketing created $285 incremental sales per 1000 impressions – that’s 11x the annual ROI of traditional marketing! Your ROI continues to grow over time, since original influencer content will stay online forever, versus the limited exposure you get via a paid digital ad. Through influencer content, you can double your impressions even after the campaign has ended. Best of all, you get this ongoing exposure with zero extra investment.

So how do you figure out who your influencers are? If you’re just starting to get into the influencer strategy, there are technological solutions out there that can connect your business with networks of influencers, and provide you with ways to measure your results.

This study has the potential to completely change the way that businesses budget for their digital marketing. Read the full report to learn more.

Are you leveraging influencer marketing? Has this infographic inspired you to find out more about it? Let me know in the comments.

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